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Drying Flowers with Silica Gel
The "color- indicator" type silica gel, helps to know when the flowers are dry.
The process: You will need a container with a tight fitting lid such as a bisquit tin, ice cream container or food storage containers. Put a layer of silica gel on the bottom of the container about a 1/2 -3/4 inch deep. Carefully place the flowers face up on the silica exactly as you wish them to appear when dry, taking care not to fold petals or let individual flowers touch.
The unveiling....This part is tricky as you have to know where the blooms are so as not to damage them! For this reason, try and use only shallow containers, with one layer of flowers. Very gently lift the flowers using a slotted spoon. They should feel firm and dry, if not, repeat the process and wait another day or so. When they are dry, use a soft paintbrush to gently dust off the excess silica and store in a warm, dry place.
Using an artist's paintbrush, gently and carefully ease the crystals between the petals, so as to not distort or crease them. Make sure the flower is completely covered by about a 1/2 inch of the dessicant. Seal the container and let sit undisturbed for 2 or 3 days. Larger flowers may take 5 days but it is best to check earlier as over-dried flowers are too brittle to work with!
Because we dry only the flower heads with silica gel, it is necessary to wire the flowers for use in arrangements. To do this, take a piece of floral wire. On one end, make a small hook or loop and carefully thread the other end through the center of the flower until the hook catches. You now have a stem to work into the arrangement. This is the same way Strawflowers are wired.